Order Tracking
Thank you for shopping online with Glamlitfam!
From confirmation of your order by Glamlitfam to receipt of the package at your doorstep, you can track the status of your order - online. When you place your order on Glamlitfam.com, you will receive an order confirmation email with a link to our website. Bookmark this link, for it contains information about the status of your order, and is constantly updated.
Track Your Shipment
When your order is shipped from our warehouse, you will receive a Shipment email informing you about the items that were shipped, the Courier used to ship these items, the Courier's website address, and a tracking number. Please visit the courier company's website, and use the tracking number to know the status of your shipment.
If you have not received a shipment email with these details, please email us at support@glamlitfam.com or call us at +91 88281 40166 (9.00 am to 6.00 pm. Monday to Saturday) and let us know.